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Courses in the winter term 2018/19


  • Knowledge management I

    Lecture: Friday, 10:15 – 11:45

    Begin: 19.10.18

    Exercise: Takes place in group work. Details / dates will be announced in the lecture.

    Additional information through the unisono unisono

  • Knowledge Based Systems II

    Lecture: Wednesday, 16.15-17:45

    Begin: 17.10.18

    Exercise: Exercise is integrated into the lecture. Exercise dates will be announced in the first lecture.

    Additional information through the unisono unisono

  • Software Engineering

    Lecture: Thursday, 14:00-18:30 o'clock

    Begin: XXX

    Exercise: Is integrated into the course of the lecture

    Additional information through the unisono unisono


  • Trends und Technologien im Wissensmanagement ((link to unisono entry))

    Please note the comments / notes on the seminar series in the unisono

    If you are interested, please register at the unisono for the course and then contact the designated contact persons M. Dornhöfer (m.dornhoefer@uni-siegen.de) and C. Weber (christian.weber@uni-siegen.de) by e-mail for scheduling and topic allocation.

Project group / Student work