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Examination Office Electrical Engineering



Deadlines summer term 2024:

  • Registration for study achievements: until May 15th, 2024

    You can register for study achievements (e.g. mandatory submission of exercises, lab assignments, homework, seminars, project work, if applicable also as a prerequisite for examinations) in this semester from 01.03.2024 until 15.05.2024 at the latest. As long as you are not registered for the study achievement, you cannot and may not submit any achievements! Please check the module descriptions (see below!) to see in which modules you have to complete a study achievement.

  • Registration for written examinations: until 14 days before the exam

    Registration for written examinations runs from 21.05.2024 until 14 days before the written examination (unisono calculates to the exact time!).
    In the PO 2012, registration for core and elective subjects is only possible if a mentor approval has been obtained. The submission deadline for this semester is 05.07.2024.

    Please note different deadlines for examinations in modules that are imported from other degree programs. Information on this can be found at the examination office of the exporting degree program.
    The deadlines mentioned are hard; registration after the deadline is only possible in justified cases of hardship by submitting a written application to the Examination Board!
  • Registration for oral examinations: until 7 days before the exam

    Registration for oral examinations (online registration in unisono and subsequent coordination of a date with the examiner) must take place at least 7 days before the examination date (preferably well in advance!).

    Important: Registered oral examinations that will no longer take place in the registered semester must be deregistered no later than 8 days before the end of the semester. Exam registrations that are not taken will not be carried over to the following semester and it is no longer possible to deregister or re-register. In this case, you will automatically be marked as " not present" (this means a grade of 5.0).
  • Deregistration: until 7 days before the exam, cancellation due to illness: until 3 working days after the exam

    Regular deregistration from exams (i.e. without a medical certificate) is possible in unisono up to 7 days before the exam. Please note that the unisono system calculates this deadline based on the actual time of the exam.

    In case of illness, the following applies: A withdrawal (please use the withdrawal form form for this purpose) must be submitted to the examination office in writing or by e-mail as a PDF within 3 working days (FPO 2023) or 5 working days (PO 2012) after the examination together with the medical certificate or certificate of incapacity for work; do not send the sick note to the examiner's chair. (If submitted by mail, the postmark will apply).


Contact: Nadine Heuckmann
Room H-E 212
Natalia Berg
Room H-E 212
Phone: 0271-740 4409 0271-740 4114
Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen
Email: pruefungsamt-et@uni-siegen.de
Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 11:00 a.m. or by appointment Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00 a.m. or by appointment

Welcome Meeting for the Freshmen / Student Council / International Office


Assignment of topics / registration of the thesis

  • For the assignment of topics, please contact the lecturers independently (website or, if necessary, in person). All professors of the Department ETI are admitted as first examiner, as well as some professors of other departments or faculties.
  • In agreement with the first examiner, a thesis can also be carried out in cooperation with an external company. In this case, please refer to the handout on conducting external theses.
  • Before you start to work on your thesis, it must be registered with the examination office using the appropriate form.

Submission of thesis

  • Bachelor and Master theses as well as student research projects must be submitted to the Examination Office ETI before the deadline.
  • Please submit your theses in person during the opening hours of the Examination Office Electrical Engineering or Computer Science.

    If this is not possible, send the thesis in due time digitally by e-mail (as PDF, including any attachments) and additionally by mail in two printed copies with data carrier to:

    Universität Siegen
    Fakultät IV
    Prüfungsamt ETI
    Hölderlinstr. 3
    57076 Siegen

  • You must enclose a handwritten signed declaration in your thesis that you have written your work independently - in the case of group work, your appropriately marked share of the work - and have not used any sources or aids other than those indicated, and that you have marked quotations.

Final certificates

As soon as you have achieved the required full number of credit points please contact the responsible examination office and apply for the final certificates per e-mail.

The e-mail address is:

Please check all the data regarding your personal information (name, surname, birthday and so on) and the title of the master or bachelor thesis and project work (both in German and English language) in your unisono account beforehand. The preparation of the final documents usually takes 3 weeks after application.

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