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Publikationen des Jahres 2008

  • MEMS Product Engineering using Fabrication Process Development Tools
    Hahn, K.; Schmidt, T.; Ortloff, D.; Popp, J.; Wagener, A.; R., B.: MEMS Product Engineering using Fabrication Process Development Tools. In: Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems IV Bd. 7269, Dec. 2008. – Photonics West 2008, Melbourne
  • Tool Support for Microelectronic Process Development
    Ortloff, D.; Popp, J.; Hahn, K.; Schmidt, T.; Brück, R.: Tool Support for Microelectronic Process Development. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Poznan, 2008. – MIXDES 2008
  • A Knowledge Based Approach for MEMS Fabrication Process Design Automation
    Schmidt, T.; Hahn, K.; Brück, R.: A Knowledge Based Approach for MEMS Fabrication Process Design Automation. In: 33rd IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, 2008. – IEMT 2008, Penang
  • Mikrosystemverständnis im Hochschulstudium – Ein praktikumsorientierter Ansatz
    Schwidrowski, K.; Schmidt, T.; Brück, R.; Freischlad, S.; Schubert, S.; Stechert, P.: Mikrosystemverständnis im Hochschulstudium – Ein praktikumsorientierter Ansatz. In: 3. GI-Fachtagung Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (HDI2008), Potsdam Bd. 7269, 2008
  • Breaking through the process development barriers
    Ortlo, D. and Popp, J. and Wagener, A., Hahn, K.: Breaking through the process development barriers. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems (COMS2008), Puerto Vallata, 2008