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Theoretical Computer Science


Welcome at the chair of Theoretical Computer Science



Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey
phone +49-271-740-2826
fax +49-271-740-2839
room H-A7103
lohrey (at) eti.uni-siegen.de



Cristina Böttcher
phone +49-271-740-2071
room H-A7102
ti-sekretariat (at) eti.uni-siegen.de


Postal address

Universität Siegen
Theoretische Informatik
Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen



Our research projects are located in the areas automata theory, logic, computational algebra, information theory, and complexity theory. Currently we are in interested in grammar-based compression, algorithmic group theory, streaming algorithms and algorithmic model theory.

Here, you find more details.





We offer the following lectures every winter semester:

  • Berechenbarkeit und Logik (Pflichtmodul für den Bachelor Informatik)
  • Algorithms I (core module for the Master Computer Science)
  • Complexity Theory I (specialization module for the Bachelor and Master Computer Science)
  • Seminar Theoretische Informatik

We offer the following lectures every summer semester:

  • Formale Sprachen und Automaten (Pflichtmodul für den Bachelor Informatik)
  • Advanced Logic (core module for the Master Computer Science)
  • Algorithms II (specialization module for the Master Computer Science)
  • Complexity Theory II (specialization module for the Master Computer Science)

Here you find information concerning the current semester.