Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Schröder
Q. Li, G. Schröder, M. Geppert:
"High frequency voltage injection for IPMSM rotor position detection with GaN inverter and FPGA control"
2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe (ECCE Europe),
Darmstadt, Germany, 2024
"High frequency voltage injection for IPMSM rotor position detection with GaN inverter and FPGA control"
2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe (ECCE Europe),
Darmstadt, Germany, 2024
Q. Li, G. Schröder:
"An iterative FPGA algorithm for IPMSM rotor position estimation with GaN inverter"
IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference,
Harbin, China, 2024
"An iterative FPGA algorithm for IPMSM rotor position estimation with GaN inverter"
IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference,
Harbin, China, 2024
Q. Li, G. Schröder:
"Minimization of Parasitic Capacitance for proper Function of 3 level ANPC with GaN Switches"
25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
Aalborg, Denmark, 2023
"Minimization of Parasitic Capacitance for proper Function of 3 level ANPC with GaN Switches"
25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
Aalborg, Denmark, 2023
F. Wolling, F. Hauck, G. Schröder, K. Van Laerhoven:
"OpenIBC: Open-Source Wake-Up Receiver for Capacitive Intra-Body Communication"
International Conference on embedded wireless systems and networks EWSN2022,
Linz, Austria, 2022
"OpenIBC: Open-Source Wake-Up Receiver for Capacitive Intra-Body Communication"
International Conference on embedded wireless systems and networks EWSN2022,
Linz, Austria, 2022
M. Geppert, G. Schröder:
"Switching loss Model for a GaN-HEMT based 3L-ANPC drive System using a SynRM"
VDE Tagung Elektromechanische Antriebssysteme 2021,
Online-Event, 2021
"Switching loss Model for a GaN-HEMT based 3L-ANPC drive System using a SynRM"
VDE Tagung Elektromechanische Antriebssysteme 2021,
Online-Event, 2021
M. Geppert, G. Schröder:
"Control structure and Converter losses of a 3L-ANPC with GaN HEMTs switching at 100 kHz"
2021 International Conference on Electrical Drives & Power Electronics (EDPE),
Dubrovnik, 2021
"Control structure and Converter losses of a 3L-ANPC with GaN HEMTs switching at 100 kHz"
2021 International Conference on Electrical Drives & Power Electronics (EDPE),
Dubrovnik, 2021
M. Geppert, G. Schröder:
"GaN HEMT based 3L-ANPC drive System using a SynRM"
23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 21 - ECCE Europe,
Online-Event, 2021
"GaN HEMT based 3L-ANPC drive System using a SynRM"
23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 21 - ECCE Europe,
Online-Event, 2021
T. Weinert, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Charging High Voltage capacitors in pulse power applications with a Capacitor Diode Voltage Multiplier of reduced size and lower ripple"
22th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 20 - ECCE Europe,
Lyon, 2020
"Charging High Voltage capacitors in pulse power applications with a Capacitor Diode Voltage Multiplier of reduced size and lower ripple"
22th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 20 - ECCE Europe,
Lyon, 2020
S. Palte, D. Gasch, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Timing Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter Using a Bootstrapping Circuit as Submodule Switch Driver"
Proceedings of SPEEDAM 2018, Page 463 - 467
Amalfi Coast, 2018
"Timing Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter Using a Bootstrapping Circuit as Submodule Switch Driver"
Proceedings of SPEEDAM 2018, Page 463 - 467
Amalfi Coast, 2018
T. Weinert, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"A current-fed DC/DC converter for the efficient charging of HV capacitors in mobile applications"
18th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 16-ECCE Europe,
Karlsruhe, 2016
"A current-fed DC/DC converter for the efficient charging of HV capacitors in mobile applications"
18th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 16-ECCE Europe,
Karlsruhe, 2016
G. Schröder, T. Schulte:
"Direkte Drehmomentregelung (DTC) für Matrixumrichter mit reduzierter Gleichtaktspannung"
VDE-Tagung Antriebssysteme,
Aachen, 2015
"Direkte Drehmomentregelung (DTC) für Matrixumrichter mit reduzierter Gleichtaktspannung"
VDE-Tagung Antriebssysteme,
Aachen, 2015
T. Weinert, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Entwicklung eines Konstantstromladers mit Weitbereichseingang und neuartigem Snubberkonzept"
Power and Energy Student Summit, PESS 2015,
"Entwicklung eines Konstantstromladers mit Weitbereichseingang und neuartigem Snubberkonzept"
Power and Energy Student Summit, PESS 2015,
S. Palte, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Simulation des modularen Mehrpunkt-Umrichters (M2C) in Niederspannungsbereich",
Power and Energy Student Summit, PESS 2015,
"Simulation des modularen Mehrpunkt-Umrichters (M2C) in Niederspannungsbereich",
Power and Energy Student Summit, PESS 2015,
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"Matrix Converter with a Novel Control Method"
16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 14-ECCE Europe,
"Matrix Converter with a Novel Control Method"
16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 14-ECCE Europe,
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"DTC for Matrix Converters with Improved Switching Losses Behaviour"
11. International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems,
Valencia, 2014
"DTC for Matrix Converters with Improved Switching Losses Behaviour"
11. International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems,
Valencia, 2014
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"DTC for Matrix Converters with Reduced Common Mode Voltage"
17th International Symposium Power Electronics Ee2013,
Novi Sad, 2013
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"Efficiency Analysis for RB-IGBT based Matrix Converters",
IECON 2012 Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Montreal, 2012
"Efficiency Analysis for RB-IGBT based Matrix Converters",
IECON 2012 Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Montreal, 2012
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"Power Loss Comparison of Different Matrix Converter Commutation Strategies",
EPE -PEMC 2012 ECCE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition,
Novi Sad, 2012
"Power Loss Comparison of Different Matrix Converter Commutation Strategies",
EPE -PEMC 2012 ECCE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition,
Novi Sad, 2012
M. Rüter, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Parameter Adaption of a sensorless controlled induction machine by measurement of the slip frequency",
EPE ECCE 2011 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
"Parameter Adaption of a sensorless controlled induction machine by measurement of the slip frequency",
EPE ECCE 2011 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
G. Utsch, G. Schröder:
"Fuel Cell driven Propulsion System for Airships",
HFC2011 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells,
"Fuel Cell driven Propulsion System for Airships",
HFC2011 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells,
M. Rüter, U. Baader, G. Schröder, W. Oberschelp:
"Design of a Transverse Flux Machine for small direct driven Windturbines",
PCIM Nürnberg, 2010
"Design of a Transverse Flux Machine for small direct driven Windturbines",
PCIM Nürnberg, 2010
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Matrix converter with overvoltage protection circuit",
MELECON 2010 - IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference,
Malta Valletta
"Matrix converter with overvoltage protection circuit",
MELECON 2010 - IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference,
Malta Valletta
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Freies Schalten beim Matrixumrichter mit induktiver Last",
A&D Kompendium 2009/2010 : publish-industry Verlag, S. 21 - 22, ISBN 3-934698-64-6
"Freies Schalten beim Matrixumrichter mit induktiver Last",
A&D Kompendium 2009/2010 : publish-industry Verlag, S. 21 - 22, ISBN 3-934698-64-6
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"New commutation method of a matrix converter",
ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
Seoul, Korea
"New commutation method of a matrix converter",
ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
Seoul, Korea
Rüter, Markus; Baader, Uwe; Oberschelp, Wolfgang; Schröder, Günter:
"A Sensorless Speed Acquisition Method for Induction Machines",
ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
Seoul, Korea
"A Sensorless Speed Acquisition Method for Induction Machines",
ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
Seoul, Korea
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter :
03/2009, Internationale Patentanmeldung: PCT/EP2009/053253
Schaltbarer Freilaufkreis für den Matrixumrichter
03/2009, Internationale Patentanmeldung: PCT/EP2009/053253
Schaltbarer Freilaufkreis für den Matrixumrichter
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Matrix converter with a new control strategy",
PECon 2008 - 2nd IEEE International Power and Energy Conference,
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
"Matrix converter with a new control strategy",
PECon 2008 - 2nd IEEE International Power and Energy Conference,
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Protection circuit for the matrix converter",
IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Orlando, Florida, USA
"Protection circuit for the matrix converter",
IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Orlando, Florida, USA
Schröder, Günter :
"Diagnose von elektrischen Antrieben mit der Richtlinie VDI/VDE 3543",
VDE Kongress, November 2008, München
"Diagnose von elektrischen Antrieben mit der Richtlinie VDI/VDE 3543",
VDE Kongress, November 2008, München
Rüter, M. ; Baader, U. ; Oberschelp, W. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Eine geberlose Drehzahlerfassung für Asynchronmaschinen",
VDE/VDI-Tagung, September 2008, Böblingen
"Eine geberlose Drehzahlerfassung für Asynchronmaschinen",
VDE/VDI-Tagung, September 2008, Böblingen
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter :
"Neue Methode zum Schutz des Matrixumrichters",
VDE/VDI-Tagung, September 2008, Böblingen
"Neue Methode zum Schutz des Matrixumrichters",
VDE/VDI-Tagung, September 2008, Böblingen
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter :
04/2008, Deutsche Patentanmeldung: DE102008016840.8
Schaltbarer Freilaufkreis für den Matrixumrichter
04/2008, Deutsche Patentanmeldung: DE102008016840.8
Schaltbarer Freilaufkreis für den Matrixumrichter
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna ; Kim, T.-H. ; Ahn, J.-W.:
"A Simple Excitation Position Detection Method for Sensorless SRM Drive",
EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Aalborg, Denmark, Paper No. 256, Page 1-8. -ISBN 9789075815108
"A Simple Excitation Position Detection Method for Sensorless SRM Drive",
EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Aalborg, Denmark, Paper No. 256, Page 1-8. -ISBN 9789075815108
Schröder, Günter; Tomczuk, B. ; Waindok, A.:
"Finite-Element Analysis of the Magnetic Field and Electromechanical Parameters Calculation
for a Slotted Permanent-Magnet Tubular Linear Motor",
IEEE transactions on Magnetics Vol. 43 (2007), S. 3229-3236
"Finite-Element Analysis of the Magnetic Field and Electromechanical Parameters Calculation
for a Slotted Permanent-Magnet Tubular Linear Motor",
IEEE transactions on Magnetics Vol. 43 (2007), S. 3229-3236
Rüter, M. ; Baader, U. ; Oberschelp, W. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Hochpräzise geberlose Drehzahlerfassung für Asynchronmaschinen",
SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2007 Nürnberg,
S. 401 - 407. - ISBN 978-3-8007-3069-8
"Hochpräzise geberlose Drehzahlerfassung für Asynchronmaschinen",
SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2007 Nürnberg,
S. 401 - 407. - ISBN 978-3-8007-3069-8
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorless Operation of the Switched Reluctance Machine",
Korea-Germany Joint Symposium on Power Electronics
Pohang, Korea; KIPE, 2007, S. 98-103.
"Sensorless Operation of the Switched Reluctance Machine",
Korea-Germany Joint Symposium on Power Electronics
Pohang, Korea; KIPE, 2007, S. 98-103.
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorless Operation of the Switched Reluctance Machine",
EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Aalborg, Denmark, S. Paper No. 76, Page 1-8. - ISBN 9789075815108
"Sensorless Operation of the Switched Reluctance Machine",
EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Aalborg, Denmark, S. Paper No. 76, Page 1-8. - ISBN 9789075815108
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"A new Sensorless Control for the Switched Reluctance Machine",
12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
Portoroz/Slovenia August 30 - September 1, 2006, EPE-PEMC 2006,
S. 425-430. - ISBN 1-4244-0121-6
"A new Sensorless Control for the Switched Reluctance Machine",
12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
Portoroz/Slovenia August 30 - September 1, 2006, EPE-PEMC 2006,
S. 425-430. - ISBN 1-4244-0121-6
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Current Control for the Switched Reluctance Machine with Enhanced Performance",
Bodo’s Power System (2006), Nr. 11-06, S. 52-55
"Current Control for the Switched Reluctance Machine with Enhanced Performance",
Bodo’s Power System (2006), Nr. 11-06, S. 52-55
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorlose Bestimmung der Rotorposition der Geschalteten Reluktanzmaschine",
Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme Böblingen/Germany 27-28. September 2006.
S. 111-121. - ISBN 3-18-091963-9
"Sensorlose Bestimmung der Rotorposition der Geschalteten Reluktanzmaschine",
Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme Böblingen/Germany 27-28. September 2006.
S. 111-121. - ISBN 3-18-091963-9
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorlose Regelung der Geschalteten Reluktanzmaschine",
A&D Kompendium : publish-industry Verlag, 2006, S. 110-112. - ISBN 3-934698-44-1
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Adaptive current control for the SRM",
ISIE 2005 Dubrovnik/Kroatien,
2005, S. 69-73. - ISBN 0-7803-8739-2
"Adaptive current control for the SRM",
ISIE 2005 Dubrovnik/Kroatien,
2005, S. 69-73. - ISBN 0-7803-8739-2
Schröder, Günter ; Krumsiek, Dietmar ; Schmitt, Joachim:
"Aktive Meldefunktion zur Antriebsdiagnose",
A&D Kompendium : publish-industry Verlag, 2005, S. 104-107. - ISBN 3-934698-29-8
"Aktive Meldefunktion zur Antriebsdiagnose",
A&D Kompendium : publish-industry Verlag, 2005, S. 104-107. - ISBN 3-934698-29-8
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Current control for the switched reluctance motor with enhanced Performance",
11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications Dresden/Germany 12-14. September 2005,
S. 40-45. - ISBN 90-75815-08-5
"Current control for the switched reluctance motor with enhanced Performance",
11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications Dresden/Germany 12-14. September 2005,
S. 40-45. - ISBN 90-75815-08-5
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna ; Siebel, Henrik:
"AC-fed universal motor with open loop speed control and PFC",
IECON03; IEEE IAS Roanoke/Virginia USA,
2003, S. 705-708. - ISBN 0-7803-7907-1
"AC-fed universal motor with open loop speed control and PFC",
IECON03; IEEE IAS Roanoke/Virginia USA,
2003, S. 705-708. - ISBN 0-7803-7907-1
Pacas, Mario ; Schröder, Günter:
Wuppertal ; Energieagentur NRW, 2000.
Wuppertal ; Energieagentur NRW, 2000.
Pacas, Mario ; Schröder, Günter:
Effiziente elektrische Antriebe.
Wuppertal ; Energieagentur NRW, 1998.
Effiziente elektrische Antriebe.
Wuppertal ; Energieagentur NRW, 1998.
Schröder, Günter:
Einheitliche Anzeige- und Bedienoberfläche für Antriebsregelgeräte.
SPS/IPC/DRIVES'98 Nürnberg,
1998, S. 150-159.
Einheitliche Anzeige- und Bedienoberfläche für Antriebsregelgeräte.
SPS/IPC/DRIVES'98 Nürnberg,
1998, S. 150-159.
Schröder, Günter:
"Möglichkeiten der Energieeinsparung bei Planung und Betrieb elektrischer Antriebe",
Technische-Rundschau-Forum Antriebstechnik zur Swiss Automation Week Basel, Schweiz 1998.
"Möglichkeiten der Energieeinsparung bei Planung und Betrieb elektrischer Antriebe",
Technische-Rundschau-Forum Antriebstechnik zur Swiss Automation Week Basel, Schweiz 1998.
Schröder, Günter ; Lux, K.-J. ; Yu, B.H. ; Siebel, Henrik:
"Improvement of the power factor of dimmers using high frequency zero current switching",
EPE Trondheim, Norwegen 1997,
1997, S. 4.311 - 4.314.
"Improvement of the power factor of dimmers using high frequency zero current switching",
EPE Trondheim, Norwegen 1997,
1997, S. 4.311 - 4.314.
Schröder, Günter ; Wiegand,C.:
"Spannungsvektorsteuerung zur netzfreundlichen Zwischenkreisspeisung von Frequenzumrichtern mit C166",
Bückeburg, Germany 1996.
"Spannungsvektorsteuerung zur netzfreundlichen Zwischenkreisspeisung von Frequenzumrichtern mit C166",
Bückeburg, Germany 1996.
Kern,A ; Yu,B.H. ; Schröder, Günter:
"A DC-AC-Converter for Non-Linear Loads",
Proceedings of the ISIE’95.
ISIE '95 Athen, Griechenland,
1995, S. 221-226.
"A DC-AC-Converter for Non-Linear Loads",
Proceedings of the ISIE’95.
ISIE '95 Athen, Griechenland,
1995, S. 221-226.
Schröder, Günter ; Yu, B.H.:
"Application of Voltage Vector Control to Pulse Converter",
ICPE'95 Seoul, Korea,
1995, S. 451-453.
"Application of Voltage Vector Control to Pulse Converter",
ICPE'95 Seoul, Korea,
1995, S. 451-453.
Kern, A ; Kim, K.H. ; Schröder, Günter:
"A Novel Approach for Analysing Electrical Drive Systems",
Melecon '94 Antalya, Türkei,
1994, S. 837-940.
"A Novel Approach for Analysing Electrical Drive Systems",
Melecon '94 Antalya, Türkei,
1994, S. 837-940.
Kern,A ; Schröder, Günter:
"A Novel Approach to Power Factor Control and Balancing Problems",
IEEE IECON'94 Bologna, Italy,
1994, S. 428-433.
"A Novel Approach to Power Factor Control and Balancing Problems",
IEEE IECON'94 Bologna, Italy,
1994, S. 428-433.
Kim, K.H. ; Kern,A. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Sensor Equipped Robot Position Control under MS Windows",
PEMC´94 Warschau, Polen,
1994, S. 1153-1158.
"Sensor Equipped Robot Position Control under MS Windows",
PEMC´94 Warschau, Polen,
1994, S. 1153-1158.
Kunz, U. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Cycloconverter Fed Synchronous Machine with Microprocessor based Control and Low Demand for Reactive Power",
the 5th Power Electronics Conference Budapest 1985, Bd. 2.
1985, S. 307-315.
"Cycloconverter Fed Synchronous Machine with Microprocessor based Control and Low Demand for Reactive Power",
the 5th Power Electronics Conference Budapest 1985, Bd. 2.
1985, S. 307-315.
Kunz, U. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Microprocessor Controlled Synchronous Machine Fed by Cycloconverter",
Proc. of the 7th MOTORCON Conference, Hannover,
1985, S. 181-190.
"Microprocessor Controlled Synchronous Machine Fed by Cycloconverter",
Proc. of the 7th MOTORCON Conference, Hannover,
1985, S. 181-190.