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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Schröder

Q. Li, G. Schröder, M. Geppert:
"High frequency voltage injection for IPMSM rotor position detection with GaN inverter and FPGA control"
2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe (ECCE Europe),
Darmstadt, Germany, 2024
Q. Li, G. Schröder:
"An iterative FPGA algorithm for IPMSM rotor position estimation with GaN inverter"
IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference,
Harbin, China, 2024
Q. Li, G. Schröder:
"Minimization of Parasitic Capacitance for proper Function of 3 level ANPC with GaN Switches"
25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
Aalborg, Denmark, 2023

F. Wolling, F. Hauck, G. Schröder, K. Van Laerhoven:
"OpenIBC: Open-Source Wake-Up Receiver for Capacitive Intra-Body Communication"
International Conference on embedded wireless systems and networks EWSN2022,
Linz, Austria, 2022
M. Geppert, G. Schröder:
"Switching loss Model for a GaN-HEMT based 3L-ANPC drive System using a SynRM"
VDE Tagung Elektromechanische Antriebssysteme 2021,
Online-Event, 2021
M. Geppert, G. Schröder:
"Control structure and Converter losses of a 3L-ANPC with GaN HEMTs switching at 100 kHz"
2021 International Conference on Electrical Drives & Power Electronics (EDPE),
Dubrovnik, 2021
M. Geppert, G. Schröder:
"GaN HEMT based 3L-ANPC drive System using a SynRM"
23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 21 - ECCE Europe,
Online-Event, 2021
T. Weinert, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Charging High Voltage capacitors in pulse power applications with a Capacitor Diode Voltage Multiplier of reduced size and lower ripple"
22th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 20 - ECCE Europe,
Lyon, 2020
S. Palte, D. Gasch, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Timing Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter Using a Bootstrapping Circuit as Submodule Switch Driver"
Proceedings of SPEEDAM 2018, Page 463 - 467
Amalfi Coast, 2018 

T. Weinert, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"A current-fed DC/DC converter for the efficient charging of HV capacitors in mobile applications"
18th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 16-ECCE Europe,
Karlsruhe, 2016
G. Schröder, T. Schulte:
"Direkte Drehmomentregelung (DTC) für Matrixumrichter mit reduzierter Gleichtaktspannung"
VDE-Tagung Antriebssysteme,
Aachen, 2015
T. Weinert, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Entwicklung eines Konstantstromladers mit Weitbereichseingang und neuartigem Snubberkonzept"
Power and Energy Student Summit, PESS 2015,
S. Palte, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Simulation des modularen Mehrpunkt-Umrichters (M2C) in Niederspannungsbereich",
Power and Energy Student Summit, PESS 2015,
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"Matrix Converter with a Novel Control Method"
16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 14-ECCE Europe,
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"DTC for Matrix Converters with Improved Switching Losses Behaviour"
11. International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems,
Valencia, 2014

T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"DTC for Matrix Converters with Reduced Common Mode Voltage"
17th International Symposium Power Electronics Ee2013,
Novi Sad, 2013

T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"Efficiency Analysis for RB-IGBT based Matrix Converters",
IECON 2012 Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Montreal, 2012
T. Schulte, G. Schröder:
"Power Loss Comparison of Different Matrix Converter Commutation Strategies",
EPE -PEMC 2012 ECCE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition,
Novi Sad, 2012
M. Rüter, W. Oberschelp, G. Schröder:
"Parameter Adaption of a sensorless controlled induction machine by measurement of the slip frequency",
EPE ECCE 2011 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
G. Utsch, G. Schröder:
"Fuel Cell driven Propulsion System for Airships",
HFC2011 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells,
M. Rüter, U. Baader, G. Schröder, W. Oberschelp:
"Design of a Transverse Flux Machine for small direct driven Windturbines",
PCIM Nürnberg, 2010
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Matrix converter with overvoltage protection circuit",
MELECON 2010 - IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference,
Malta Valletta 
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Freies Schalten beim Matrixumrichter mit induktiver Last",
A&D Kompendium 2009/2010 : publish-industry Verlag, S. 21 - 22, ISBN 3-934698-64-6
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"New commutation method of a matrix converter",
ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
Seoul, Korea
Rüter, Markus; Baader, Uwe; Oberschelp, Wolfgang; Schröder, Günter:
"A Sensorless Speed Acquisition Method for Induction Machines",
ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
Seoul, Korea
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter :
03/2009, Internationale Patentanmeldung: PCT/EP2009/053253
Schaltbarer Freilaufkreis für den Matrixumrichter
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Matrix converter with a new control strategy",
PECon 2008 - 2nd IEEE International Power and Energy Conference,
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter:
"Protection circuit for the matrix converter",
IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Orlando, Florida, USA
Schröder, Günter :
"Diagnose von elektrischen Antrieben mit der Richtlinie VDI/VDE 3543",
VDE Kongress, November 2008, München
Rüter, M. ; Baader, U. ; Oberschelp, W. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Eine geberlose Drehzahlerfassung für Asynchronmaschinen",
VDE/VDI-Tagung, September 2008, Böblingen
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter :
"Neue Methode zum Schutz des Matrixumrichters",
VDE/VDI-Tagung, September 2008, Böblingen
Pfeifer, Markus ; Schröder, Günter :
04/2008, Deutsche Patentanmeldung: DE102008016840.8
Schaltbarer Freilaufkreis für den Matrixumrichter
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna ; Kim, T.-H. ; Ahn, J.-W.:
"A Simple Excitation Position Detection Method for Sensorless SRM Drive",
EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Aalborg, Denmark, Paper No. 256, Page 1-8. -ISBN 9789075815108
Schröder, Günter; Tomczuk, B. ; Waindok, A.:
"Finite-Element Analysis of the Magnetic Field and Electromechanical Parameters Calculation
for a Slotted Permanent-Magnet Tubular Linear Motor",
IEEE transactions on Magnetics Vol. 43 (2007), S. 3229-3236
Rüter, M. ; Baader, U. ; Oberschelp, W. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Hochpräzise geberlose Drehzahlerfassung für Asynchronmaschinen",
SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2007 Nürnberg, 
S. 401 - 407. - ISBN 978-3-8007-3069-8
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorless Operation of the Switched Reluctance Machine",
Korea-Germany Joint Symposium on Power Electronics
Pohang, Korea; KIPE, 2007, S. 98-103.
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorless Operation of the Switched Reluctance Machine",
EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Aalborg, Denmark, S. Paper No. 76, Page 1-8. - ISBN 9789075815108
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"A new Sensorless Control for the Switched Reluctance Machine",
12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
Portoroz/Slovenia August 30 - September 1, 2006, EPE-PEMC 2006,
S. 425-430. - ISBN 1-4244-0121-6
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Current Control for the Switched Reluctance Machine with Enhanced Performance",
Bodo’s Power System (2006), Nr. 11-06, S. 52-55
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorlose Bestimmung der Rotorposition der Geschalteten Reluktanzmaschine",
Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme Böblingen/Germany 27-28. September 2006. 
S. 111-121. - ISBN 3-18-091963-9

Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Sensorlose Regelung der Geschalteten Reluktanzmaschine",
A&D Kompendium : publish-industry Verlag, 2006, S. 110-112. - ISBN 3-934698-44-1

Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Adaptive current control for the SRM",
ISIE 2005 Dubrovnik/Kroatien,
2005, S. 69-73. - ISBN 0-7803-8739-2
Schröder, Günter ; Krumsiek, Dietmar ; Schmitt, Joachim:
"Aktive Meldefunktion zur Antriebsdiagnose",
A&D Kompendium : publish-industry Verlag, 2005, S. 104-107. - ISBN 3-934698-29-8
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna:
"Current control for the switched reluctance motor with enhanced Performance",
11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications Dresden/Germany 12-14. September 2005,
S. 40-45. - ISBN 90-75815-08-5
Schröder, Günter ; Bekiesch, Joanna ; Siebel, Henrik:
"AC-fed universal motor with open loop speed control and PFC",
IECON03; IEEE IAS Roanoke/Virginia USA,
2003, S. 705-708. - ISBN 0-7803-7907-1
Pacas, Mario ; Schröder, Günter:
Wuppertal ; Energieagentur NRW, 2000.
Pacas, Mario ; Schröder, Günter:
Effiziente elektrische Antriebe.
Wuppertal ; Energieagentur NRW, 1998.
Schröder, Günter:
Einheitliche Anzeige- und Bedienoberfläche für Antriebsregelgeräte.
SPS/IPC/DRIVES'98 Nürnberg,
1998, S. 150-159.
Schröder, Günter:
"Möglichkeiten der Energieeinsparung bei Planung und Betrieb elektrischer Antriebe",
Technische-Rundschau-Forum Antriebstechnik zur Swiss Automation Week Basel, Schweiz 1998.
Schröder, Günter ; Lux, K.-J. ; Yu, B.H. ; Siebel, Henrik:
"Improvement of the power factor of dimmers using high frequency zero current switching",
EPE Trondheim, Norwegen 1997,
1997, S. 4.311 - 4.314.
Schröder, Günter ; Wiegand,C.:
"Spannungsvektorsteuerung zur netzfreundlichen Zwischenkreisspeisung von Frequenzumrichtern mit C166",
Bückeburg, Germany 1996.
Kern,A ; Yu,B.H. ; Schröder, Günter:
"A DC-AC-Converter for Non-Linear Loads",
Proceedings of the ISIE’95.
ISIE '95 Athen, Griechenland,
1995, S. 221-226.
Schröder, Günter ; Yu, B.H.:
"Application of Voltage Vector Control to Pulse Converter",
ICPE'95 Seoul, Korea,
1995, S. 451-453.
Kern, A ; Kim, K.H. ; Schröder, Günter:
"A Novel Approach for Analysing Electrical Drive Systems",
Melecon '94 Antalya, Türkei,
1994, S. 837-940.
Kern,A ; Schröder, Günter:
"A Novel Approach to Power Factor Control and Balancing Problems",
IEEE IECON'94 Bologna, Italy,
1994, S. 428-433.
Kim, K.H. ; Kern,A. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Sensor Equipped Robot Position Control under MS Windows",
PEMC´94 Warschau, Polen,
1994, S. 1153-1158.
Kunz, U. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Cycloconverter Fed Synchronous Machine with Microprocessor based Control and Low Demand for Reactive Power",
the 5th Power Electronics Conference Budapest 1985, Bd. 2.
1985, S. 307-315.
Kunz, U. ; Schröder, Günter:
"Microprocessor Controlled Synchronous Machine Fed by Cycloconverter",
Proc. of the 7th MOTORCON Conference, Hannover,
1985, S. 181-190.
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