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"Reliability Engineering Systems" and "Electrical Measurement Technology" form cross-cutting disciplines, which are used in many areas of electrical engineering as well as their applications in research and industry. This also includes the field of "Electromagnetic Compatibility", which examines the interplay of possible interferences and interferences of electrotechnical systems. The trend is taken to ensure that technical systems continue to be increasingly complex and linked to their environment more closely. Reliability and electromagnetic compatibility, therefore, include holistic approaches to system level, since even for electrotechnical systems the whole is more than the sum of its parts. The research activities of the Chair are interdisciplinary within electrical engineering and deal with high-frequency technology and power electronics systems and applications.

Research topics are dealt with in the following areas:

   characteristic_mode_car_40x100pxAdaptation and Extension of Test Procedures for Air Vehicles to Test Procedures of Automobiles in a Network Environment  
  messungEMC behavior of non-linearly loaded reception structures in resonators  
   KonvoifahrtLongitudinal and lateral trajectory planning for automated cooperative vehicles  

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