Lecture Logic II (Summer term 2021)
The lecture and the tutorials will be presented as live streams via zoom. An invitation with the link to the zoom meetings will be send via email in the week before the first lecture.
The lectures will be recorded and can be downloaded from a password protected web page. You will receive the login data via email.
Please ensure that you are registered for the course via unisono. This ensures that we can send you the relevant information by email. If you missed the deadline for registration on unisono, you can send an email with your matriculation number to our secretary Cristina Böttcher (cristina.boettcher@uni-siegen.de).
The first lecture will be on April 12, 16:15--17:45! (There is an introduction for the first year students at 2 pm on April 12.)
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey
- Monday, 14:15-15:45 via zoom
- Wednesday, 14:15-15:45 via zoom (Louisa Seelbach)
Some topics
- Unentscheidbarkeit in der Prädikatenlogik / Undecidability of predicate logic
- Die Sätze von Church und Trakhtenbrot / Theorems of Church and Trakhtenbrot
- Unentscheidbarkeit der Arithmetik und der Satz von Gödel / Undecidability of arithmetic and Gödel's Theorem
- Automatische Strukturen / Automatic structures
- Quantorenelimination (Entscheidbarkeit der reellen Arithmetik) / Quantifier-Elimination
- Monadische Logik 2. Stufe und reguläre Sprachen / Monadic second order logic and regular languages
- English version (version from 07/05/2021, will be regularly updated)
- Deutsche Version (vom Sommersemester 2020)
- Exercise 1 (Solution) - Recapitulation of Logic I
- Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus, Jörg Flum, Wolfgang Thomas, Einführung in die mathematische Logik, Springer
- Uwe Schöning: Logik für Informatiker, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag