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Embedded Control

Analog IC Design

About the course

After students have attended the course, they can implement modeling methods for embedded control systems use. Students understand the differences between continuous, discrete and hybrid models and are available in position to develop application specific models. Participants acquire the ability to use different calculation models in reference to their suitability for given scenarios (e.g. real time aspects, determinism) and explain them.
A further learning goal is to compare hardware and software platforms for embedded control systems (e.g. processors, storage hierarchy, operating systems, scheduling) and to be able to use. The practical realization of a embedded control system in the exercise section module participants are able to use software components on a embedded hardware platform, to develop, analyse and to integrate. Finally, students acquire by means of analysis and verification methods the ability to verify the correct function and non-functional properties of an embedded to assess the control system.


1. Modelling and Mathematical Descriptions of Dynamic Systems
      a.    Discrete Dynamics   
      b.    Hybrid Systems
      c.    Composition of State Machines
      d.    Concurrent Models of Computation
2.   Design of Embedded Control Systems
      a.    Embedded Processors
      b.    Memory Architectures
      c.    Input and Output
      d.    Multitasking
      e.    Scheduling
3.   Analysis and Verification
      a.    Invariants and Temporal Logic
      b.    Equivalence, Refinement, Simulations
4.   State-of-the-Art Tools for Embedded Controller Development
      a.    MATLAB/Simulink

Credit hours

60 h of teaching lecture. Self-study includes 45 h, preparation with 45 hr examination preparation. The assessment will be through a written examination at the end of the semester.

Your Instructor


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Roman Obermaisser

0271 - 740 3332
H-E 009

His research provides solutions to various challenges through significant advances in embedded system architectures, which form the scientific and engineering basis for the design of embedded systems. The aim of his research is to develop system models, design principles and platform services for the component-based implementation of embedded systems, whereby the resulting systems can be implemented cost-effectively and have non-functional key properties (e.g. robustness, composability, adaptivity).