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Embedded Systems

Analog IC Design

About the course

The module focuses on system aspects of distributed embedded real-time systems and conveys the central requirements (e.g., real time, determinism, reliability, composability) as well as suitable methods for supporting them. Students learn about different paradigms and design principles for embedded systems. A focus area is coping with contradicting system requirements (e.g., flexibility vs. composability, open system vs. temporal guarantees) and competence for using the most appropriate design principles and methods in a given problem scenario. The course conveys information about new developments (e.g., Internet of things) in addition to basic knowledge (e.g., global time, scheduling), thereby providing the foundation for research in the area of embedded real-time systems. The theoretical knowledge is complemented bycase studies and system architectures from different domains (e.g., automotive, avionics). The lab provides further insight and offers practical experience based on the content of the lecture (e.g., programming of embedded systems with microcontrollers, scheduling, timing analysis).


1.Context and requirements of embedded real-time systems
2. Modelling of embedded real-time systems
3. Global time and temporal relations
4. Reliability
5. Real-time communication
6. Real-time operating systems
7. Real-time Scheduling
8. Interaction with the environment
9. Design of embedded systems
10. Validation
11. Internet of things
12. Examples of system architectures

Credit hours

60 h of teaching lecture. Self-study includes 45 h, preparation with 45 hr examination preparation. The assessment will be through a written examination at the end of the semester.



Your Instructor


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Roman Obermaisser

0271 - 740 3332
H-E 009

His research provides solutions to various challenges through significant advances in embedded system architectures, which form the scientific and engineering basis for the design of embedded systems. The aim of his research is to develop system models, design principles and platform services for the component-based implementation of embedded systems, whereby the resulting systems can be implemented cost-effectively and have non-functional key properties (e.g. robustness, composability, adaptivity).