(Submitted February 2019) Masoud Fathi Kazerouni,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.Fully-automatic Natural Plant
Recognition System Using Deep Neural Network for Dynamic
Outdoor EnvironmentsPattern Analysis and Applications,
(Submitted February 2019) Masoud Fathi Kazerouni,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.Exploration of Autonomous Mobile and
Semi-mobile Robots through Challenging Outdoor Environments
for Natural Plant Recognition Using Deep Neural
Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications,
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Nazeer T Mohammed Saeed, Christian Weber, Ahlam Mallak,
Madjid Fathi, Roman Obermaisser, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert.ADISTES Ontology for Active Diagnosis of Sensors
and Actuators in Distributed Embedded Systems19th IEEE International Conference on
Electro/Information Technology, 2019, USA
Nazeer T Mohammed Saeed, Christian Weber, Madjid Fathi,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.An Efficient Alternative for Modeling
Spatial Prepositions with RDF HelperNodes Based on the
Environment Perception of a Mobile Robot 28th IEEE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics, 2019, Canada
(Submitted January 2019) Saeid Sedighi, Duong-Van
Nguyen and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.Implementing Voronoi
Diagram to Guide Hybrid A-Star Algorithm in Global Path
Planning for Autonomous Vehicles IEEE Intelligent Transportation
Systems Society Conference Management System(ITSS 2019),
June 9-12, 2019, Paris, France
(Submitted January 2019) Saeid Sedighi, Duong-Van
Nguyen and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.Introducing a new Parking
State Machine and Path Planner Algorithm for Vision-Based
Perpendicular Parking Scenarios 16TH IEEE International Conference on
Networking, sensing and Control (ICNSC 2019), May 09-11,
2019, Banff, Canada
(Submitted December 2018) Saeid Sedighi, Duong-Van
Nguyen and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.Guided Hybrid A-star Path
Planning Algorithm for Valet Parking Applications
International Conference
on Control, Automation, Robotics (ICCAR 2019), April 19-22,
2019, Beijing, China
Saeid Sedighi, Duong-Van Nguyen and Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert.A new Method of Clothoid-Based Path Planning
Algorithm for Narrow Perpendicular Parking Spaces
2019 5th International
Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics
Engineering(ICMRE2019), February 16-19, 2019, Rome,
Artikel in Zeitschriften
(Submitted December 2018) Stefanie Gierszewski, Klaus
Müller, Jan Marco Hütwohl, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Klaudia
Witte.How does courtship mode of an interacting pair affect
mate-choice copying in sailfin molly females? Behavioral Ecology
Sarah Hartmann , Roland Vogt, Jan Kunze, Anna
Rauschert, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Josef Wanzenböck, Dunja K.
Lamatsch, Klaudia Witte. Zebrafish larvae show
negative phototaxis to near-infrared light. PLOS One (
), November 28, 2018
Sidong Wu, Xun Jiang, Tao Jiang, Ming Zhu, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Variational multi-aperture optical flow for
artificial compound eye. Applied Optics, January
Gierszewski, S., Baker, D., Müller, K., Hütwohl, J.M.,
Kuhnert, K.D., Witte, K. Using the FishSim Animation
Toolchain to Investigate Fish Behavior: A Case Study on
Mate-Choice Copying In Sailfin Mollies. JoVE Vis. Exp.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Saeid Sedighi, Duong-Van Nguyen and Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Guided Hybrid A-star Path Planning Algorithm for
Valet Parking Applications 11th International Conference on
Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2019), February
23-25 2019, Perth, Australia
Simon Hardt, Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Real-Time Implementation of a feature detection algorithm
for usage in space applications. International Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS
2018), June 4-6 2018, Madrid, Spain
Nazeer T Mohammed Saeed, Christian Weber, Madjid Fathi,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. An Approach for Modeling Spatial
Prepositions with RDF Reification and Blank Nodes Based on
the Environment Perception of a Simulated Mobile Robot.
61st IEEE International
Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 5th - 8th
2018, Windsor, ON, Canada
Klaus Müller, Jan-Marco Hütwohl, Stefanie Gierszewski,
Klaudia Witte, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Fish Motion Capture
with Refraction Synthesis.International Conference in Central
Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer
Vision (WSCG), May 28 - Jun 1 2018, Plzen, Czech
Marc Steven Krämer, Simon Hardt, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Image Features in Space. Evaluation of Feature
Algorithms for Motion Estimation in Space Scenarios.
International Conference
on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM
2018), Jan 16-18, 2018, in Funchal,
Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Multi-Sensor Fusion for UAV Collision Avoidance.
International Conference
on Robotics and Intelligent System (ICRIS 2018), Feb 21-23
2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Marc Steven Krämer, Lars Kuhnert, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert.Real-time Visual Off-Road Path Detection.
International Conference
in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and
Computer Vision (WSCG), May 28 - Jun 1 2018, Plzen, Czech
Nazeer T Mohammed Saeed, Prof. Dr. Madjid Fathi, Prof.
Dr. Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.An approach for instant
conversion of sensory data of a simulated sensor of a
mobile robot into semantic information. International Conference on Electro
Information Technology, May 2018, Rochester, Michigan,
Invited Talks
Klaus Müller, Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
AVIRO – A modular perception system for space robotics.
Russian-German Workshop on
Space Robotics17th October 2018, St. Petersburg,
Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. 3D Vermessung
aus der Luft - Grube Stahlberg. LWL Fachtagung "Müsener Berggeschrey"
- Montanarchäologie im Müsener Revier und
Südwestfalen, 28th Mai 2018, HIlchenbach-Müsen,
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Masoud Fathi Kazerouni, Nazeer T. Mohammed Saeed,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Automatic Natural Plant Recognition
System with Deep Neural Network. International Journal of Neural
Computing and Applications (NCAA)
Salih Rashid Majeed, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Trajectory
Controller Building for the (KUKA, JACO) Simulated
Manipulator Robot Arm Using ROS. International Journal of Robotics and
Automation (IJRA) Vol.3, Issue 1, January 2017
Salih Rashid Majeed, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Simulated
Robotic Arm Control using Sound Recognition System
Commands. International
Robotics and Automation Journal(IRATJ) Vol.3, Issue 1,
September 2017
Müller, K., Smielik, I., Hütwohl, J. M., Gierszewski,
S., Witte, K., & Kuhnert, K. D. The virtual lover
- Variable and easy guided 3D fish animations as innovative
tool in mate-choice experiments with sailfin mollies. I.
Design and implementation. Current Zoology Vol.63, p.55-64,
February 2017
Gierszewski, S., Müller, K., Smielik, I., Hütwohl, J.
M., Kuhnert, K. D., & Witte, K. The virtual lover
- Variable and easy guided 3D fish animations as innovative
tool in mate-choice experiments with sailfin mollies. II.
Validation. Current
Zoology Vol.63, p.65-74, February 2017
Gexiang Zhang, Sidong Wu, Gexiang Zhang, Tao Jiang,
Ming Zhu, Kechang Fu, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Kaiyi Xian, Hui
SongMulti-aperture stereo reconstruction for
artificial compound eye with cross image belief
propagation. Pattern
Recognition, September 2017
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Masoud Fathi Kazerouni, Jens Schlemper, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Automatic Plant Recognition System for Challenging
Natural Plant Species. 25.
International Conference in Central Europe on Computer
Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), May 29
– June 2, 2017 , Plzen, Czech Republic
Sarah Hartmann, Darya Mozhayeva, Jan Kunze,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Carsten Engelhard, Klaudia Witte. New
Tools for the Assessment of Behavioural Effects of
Manufactured Nanomaterials on Daphnia magna Using a
Computer Vision System and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometry. Nanocare-Clustertreffen 2017,
May 4-5, 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany
Sarah Hartmann, Kirsten Prenzel, Jan Kunze,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Klaudia Witte. Effects of silver
nanoparticles from effluents of wastewater treatment plants
(WWTPs) on the behaviour of Daphnia magna.
SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, May 7-11, 2017,
Brussels, Belgium
Invited Talks
Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. 3D Mapping
with a UAV. Workshop on
Precision Forestry, 8th August 2017, Siegen,
Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Precision Farming.
DAAD Workshop on Precision
Forestry, 8th August 2017, in Siegen, Germany
Marco Langerwisch, Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert and Bernardo Wagner. Construction of 3D Environment
Models by Fusing Ground and Aerial Lidar Point Cloud Data
in Intelligent Autonomous
Systems 13, chapter 35, chapter DOI.:
10.1007/978-3-319-08338-4_35, Springer International
Publishing Switzerland, 2016
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Salih Rashid Majeed, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Automatic
Skinning of the Simulated Manipulator Robot Arm.
International Journal of
Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.6, No.1,
January 2016
Salih Rashid Majeed, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Simulation of
the Inverse-Kinematics for JACO Manipulator Robot Arm.
International Journal of
Robotics and Automation Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016
Salih Rashid Majeed, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Object Detection
based on Semantic Camera for Indoor Environment.
International Journal of
Advance Robotics & Expert Systems (JARES) Vol.1, No.1,
Khaled Sailan, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert,
Simon Hardt, Jens schlemper. Design and Control of Water
Jet System for the Amphibious Autonomous Vehicles.
International Journal of
Innovative Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering Vol.4, Issue 1, January 2016
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Julian Schlechtriemen, Kim Peter Wabersich,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Wiggling through complex traffic:
Planning trajectories constrained by predictions.
2016 IEEE Intelligent
Vehicles Symposium,June 19-22, 2016, in Gotheburg,
Jan Kunze, Sarah Hartmann, Klaudia Witte, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Daphnia magna as biosensor for
Ag-nanoparticles in water systems. Accepted at ICPR
2016, Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal
and Insect Behavior (VAIB), Dec. 4 - 8, 2016, Cancún,
Klaus Müller, Stefanie Gierszewski, Klaudia Witte,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Where is my mate? - Real-time 3-D
fish tracking for interactive mate-choice experiments.
Accepted at ICPR 2016, Workshop on Visual Observation
and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB),
Dec. 4 - 8, 2016, Cancún, Mexico.
Sarah Hartmann, Jan Kunze, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert,
Klaudia Witte. Biological impact of MNMs on Daphnia
magna and implementation of a new computer vision
system for behavior recognition. Nanocare-Clustertreffen 2016,
May 3-4, 2016, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Darya Mozhayeva, Sarah Hartmann, Jan Kunze,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Klaudia Witte, Carsten Engelhard.
Biological Impact of Manufactured Nanomaterials on
Daphnia magna analyzed using New Tools of
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. 25. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen,
September 12-15, 2016, Universität Siegen, Siegen,
Invited Talks
Klaus Müller, Ievgen Smielik, Jan-Marco Hütwohl,
Stefanie Gierszewski, Klaudia Witte, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Bring the virtual fish to life – a toolchain for creating
inter- active 3-D fish animations for behaviour studies.
Behaviour2015, 9 to
14 August, 2015, in Cairns, Australia
Stefanie Gierszewski, Klaus Müller, Jan-Marco Hütwohl,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Klaudia Witte. Validation of a
virtual 3-D fish model for studying mate-choice copying in
sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna. Behaviour2015, 9 to 14 August,
2015, in Cairns, Australia
Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Flugroboter für die
Landwirtschaft - Chancen und Restriktionen, Jahrestagung des VDMA-Arbeitskreis
Technik, 24.-25. Februar 2015, Frankfurt.
Salih Rashid Majeed, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Simulation of
Jaco robot arm for handicapped people. Proceedings of the 8th International
Workshop on HumanFriendly Robotics - HFR 2015,
October 21–23, 2015, in Munich, germany.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Sidong Wua, Tao Jiangc, Gexiang Zhanga, Ming Zhuc,
Chunguang Bub, Jianda Hanb, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Artificial compound eye: a survey of the state-of-the-art.
Optik – International
Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Masoud Fathi Kazerouni, Jens Schlemper,Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Efficient Modern Description Methods by Using SURF
Algorithm for Recognition of Plant Species. Signal & Advances in Image and
Video Processing (AIVP) Vol.3, Issue 2, April 2015
Masoud Fathi Kazerouni, Jens Schlemper,Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Comparison of Modern Description Methods for the
Recognition of 32 Plant Species. Signal & Image Processing : An
International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.6, No.2, April
Khaled Sailan,Marc Steven Krämer. Keyboard
Tele-operation for Autonomous Amphibious vehicle.
International Journal of
Advanced Computer Technology(IJACT) Vol.4, No.1, February
Khaled Sailan, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert,
Simon Hardt. Obstacle Avoidance Strategy using Fuzzy Logic
Steering Control of Amphibious Autonomous Vehicle.
International Journal of
Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology(IJISET)
Vol.2, Issue 10, October 2015
Khaled Sailan, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert,
Masoud Fathi Kazerouni. Simulation of DORIS Robot HTS and
the effect of the Swash Plate Torque on the DC Motor
Actuator. International
Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced
Engineering(IJIRAE) Vol.2, Issue 4, April 2015
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Klaus Müller, Ievgen Smielik and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Optimal feature-set selection controlled by pose-space
location. Accepted at VISAPP 2016 - International Conference
on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications, Feb. 27
- 29, 2016, Rome, Italy
Ievgen Smielik, Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Fish motion simulation. 29th European Simulation and Modelling
Conference - ESM'2015, Holiday Inn, Leicester,
United Kingdom, October 26-28, 2015
Julian Schlechtriemen, Florian Wirthmueller, Andreas
Wedel, Gabi Breuel, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. When will it
change the lane? A probabilistic regression approach
dealing with rarely occurring events. 2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles
Symposium (IV 2015), Seoul, Korea June 28 - July 1,
Invited Talks
Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Technische
Herausforderungen für autonome UAVs. Die
Navigationskonferenz, Bundesministerium für Verkehr und
Digitale Infrastruktur, October 6, 2014, Berlin
Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Multisensorplattform - Laserscanning mittels UAV.
Wo?-Kongress, UAS Anwenderforum, June 4-5, 2014,
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Khaled Sailan, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Design and
Impliment of Powertrain Control System for the All Terrain
Vehicle. International
Journal of Control, Energy and Electrical Engineering
(CEEE) Copyright – IPCO-2014 Vol.1, pp.50-56
M. Stommel, K.-D. Kuhnert, Weiliang Xu. Inexact
Matching of Structural Models Based on the Duality of
Patterns and Classiers. Pattern Analysis and
Applications. DOI 10.1007/s10044-014-0384-8. June
Khaled Sailan, Klaus D. Kuhnert. Speed Control of UGV
using Electro Hydraulic Servo System and Fuzzy and PID
controller. International
Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
Vol.3, No. 5, October 2014
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Tao Jiang, Ming Zhu, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, and Lars
Kuhnert. Distance Measuring Using Calibrating Subpixel
Distances of Stereo pixel Pairs in Artificial Compound Eye.
IEEE 2014 International
Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for Computational
Social Systems, Qingdao, China. Oct, 2014,
Julian Schlechtriemen, Regine Graf, Dr. rer.nat. A.
Wedel, Dr. Ing. M. Fritzsche, Prof. Dr. Ing. K.D. Kuhnert,
Prof. Dr. Ing. K. Dietmayer. Ein Vergleich von Algorithmen
zur Verhaltensprädiktion anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer.
VDI/VW-Gemeinschaftstagung Fahrerassistenzsysteme
2014, 14-15th October 2014, Wolfsburg
Julian Schlechtriemen, Andreas Wedel, Gabi Breuel,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. A probabilistic long term prediction
approach for highway scenarios. 2014 IEEE 17th International
Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITSC), October 8-11, 2014. Qingdao, China.
Klaus Müller, Reza Behrozin, Sven Höhn, Jan-Marco
Hütwohl, Thomas Köther, Timo Rothenpieler, Florian Schmidt,
Tim Wesener, Whangyi Zhu, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Team
Phaethon - University of Siegen Proceedings of the
Field Robot Event
2014, Universität Hohenheim
Klaus Müller, Jens Schlemper, Lars Kuhnert and
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Calibration and 3D ground truth data
generation with orthogonal camera-setup and refraction
compensation for aquaria in real-time. VISAPP 2014 - International Conference
on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications, Jan. 5
- 8, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
Khaled Sailan, Klaus D. Kuhnert, and Hadrik Karelia.
Modeling, Design and Implement of Steering Fuzzy PID
Control System for DORIS Robot. 3 rd international conference on
information computer Application February 20-21,
2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Florian Schüle*, Marc Steven Krämer, Roland Schweiger,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Klaus Dietmayer. Night-vision Stereo
Grid Mapping for Digital Map Localization. Accepted at
2014 IEEE Intelligent
Vehicles Symposium. June 8 - 11, 2014, Dearborn,
Michigan, USA
Julian Schlechtriemen*, Andreas Wedel, Joerg
Hillenbrand, Gabi Breuel, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. A Lane
Change Detection Approach using Feature Ranking with
Maximized Predictive Power. Accepted at 2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles
Symposium. June 8 - 11, 2014, Dearborn, Michigan,
Khaled Sailan, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Speed Control of
Unmanned Ground Vehicle for non Autonomous Operation.
Accepted at ICROM
2014 July 6-7, 2014 Nottingham, the United
Stefanie Gierszewski, Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert, Klaudia Witte. The virtual Lover – Do real fish
interact with 3-D fish in questions of mate-choice.
Accepted at ISBE
2014, July 31 - August 5, New York City, USA
Shahmi Junohand, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Ground Surface
Modeling Employing Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV). Submitted to
2014 International Micro
Air Vehicle Conference and Competition (IMAV 2014),
August 12-15, 2014 Delft, The Netherlands
Marco Langerwisch, Marc Steven Krämer, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert, Bernardo Wagner. Construction of 3D Environment
Models by Fusing Ground and Aerial Lidar Point Cloud Data.
The 13th International
Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS),
July 15-19, 2014, Padova, Italy.
Khaled Sailan, Klaus D.Kuhnert , Saeed Sadege.
Development of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Drive Train System
for DORIS Robot. Scientific Cooperations International
Workshops on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Subfields, August 22-23, 2014, Istanbul, Türkei
Invited Talks
Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Multisensorsysteme
zur Datenerfassung und Echtzeitmodellierung - hochgenaue
2D/3D Kartierung für die Präzisionslandwirtschaft.
Wo-Kongress? -
Anwenderforum und Innovationsdialog, 5. Juni 2013,
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Objektlokalisierung
mit autonomen,kooperierenden Luft- und Boden-Robotern.
Landtechnik, 68,
Seite 321-322, 2013.
D.-V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert; K.-D. Kuhnert, General
Vegetation Detection Using An Integrated Vision System,
International Journal of
Robotics and Automation, Volume 28, Issue 1, 2013,
ISSN: 1925-7090, doi:
Peter Loef, Lars Kuhnert, Klaus Müller, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert, Görres Grenzdörffer. Einsatz von Unbemannten
Flugsystemen in der Landwirtschaft. GIS.BUSSNESS, Ausgabe
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Jens Schlemper, Lars Kuhnert, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Particle filter-based tracking system using analysis by
synthesis for human-machine interaction in mobile outdoor
robotics.IEEE Workshop on
Robot Vision 2013 Jan 16, 17 Clearwater, Florida
Ievgen Smielik, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Statistical
Dependence of Pixel Intensities for Pattern Recognition.
IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013) Feb
25-27 Cape Town, South Africa.
Tao Jiang and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Calibrating Subpixe
Distances of Stereo pixel Pairs in Artificial Compound Eye.
IEEE The International
Conference on Image Processing(ICIP2013), Sept.
2013, Melbourne, Australia.
K.-D. Kuhnert, L. Kuhnert. Light-Weight Sensor Package
for Precison 3D Measurement with Micro UAVs. Accepted at
UAV-g 2013, Rostock
Khaled Sailan, K.-D. Kuhnert. DC Motor angular position
control using PID controller for the porpuse of controlling
the Hydraulic pump. CEIT
2013: International Conference on Control, Engineering and
Information Technology, Jun 4-7, Sousse,
Lars Kuhnert, Duong-Van Nguyen, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Contactless obstacle penetrability classification for
mobile outdoor robotics. 2nd RSS Workshop on Robots in
Clutter, June 27, 2013, Berlin, Germany.
Lars Kuhnert, Benjamin Meier, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert.
Probabilistic approach to self-localization for autonomous
mobile outdoor robotics based on hybrid map knowledge.
16th International IEEE
Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, October 6-9, 2013, The Hague, The
Khaled Sailan, K.-D. Kuhnert. Modeling and Design of
Cruise Control System with Feedforward for all Terrain
Vehicles. Second
International Conference on Control, Modelling, Computing
and Applications (CMCA- 2013), November 2-3, 2013,
Dubai, UAE.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
D.-V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert, and K.-D. Kuhnert. Structure
Overview of Vegetation Detection. A Novel Approach for
Efficient Vegetation Detection using An Active Lighting
System. Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, Volume 60, Issue 4, April 2012,
Pages 498–508, ISSN 0921-8890,
D.-V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert; K.-D. Kuhnert, "Spreading
algorithm for efficient vegetation detection in cluttered
outdoor environments", Robotics and Autonomous
Systems, Volume 60, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages
1498-1507, ISSN 0921-8890,
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
S. Thamke, M. Ax, L. Kuhnert, M. Langerwisch, T.
Remmersmann, K.-D. Kuhnert, Control Strategies for
heterogeneous, autonomous Robot Swarms, The 1st International Conference on
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications,
Gwangju, Korea, December 16-18, 2012.
Tao Jiang, Duong Nguyen and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Auto
White Balance Using the Coincidence of Chromaticity
Histograms. The 8th
International Conference on Signal Image Technology and
Internet System (SITIS2012), November 25-29, Naples,
Tao Jiang, Duong Nguyen and K.-D. Kuhnert. A Flexible
Auto White Balance Based on Histogram Overlap. 11th Asian Conference on Computer
Vision(ACCV2012) Workshop on Computational Photography and
Low-Level Vision, November 5-9, 2012, Korea.
M. Langerwisch, M. Ax, S. Thamke, T. Remmersmann, A.
Tiderko, K.-D. Kuhnert, B. Wagner: Realization of an
Autonomous Team of Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles,
Intelligent Robotics and
Applications - 5th International Conference, ICIRA
2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 3-5, 2012.
Received the best paper
award of the conference
Ax, Markus; Thamke, Stefan; Kuhnert, Lars; Schlemper,
Jens; Kuhnert, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Optical Position
Stabilization of an UAV for Autonomous Landing.
ROBOTIK 2012 - 7th German
Conference on Robotics, Munich 2012.
Markus Ax, Stefan Thamke, Lars Kuhnert, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert UAV Based Laser Measurement for Vegetation Control
at High-Voltage Transmission Lines. 2012 International Conference on
Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development,
Jilin City, China, 2012.
D.-V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert, J. Schlemper, S. Thamke,
K.-D. Kuhnert. A Novel Approach for A Double-Check of
Passable Vegetation Detection in Autonomous Ground
Vehicles.The 15th
International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Alaska, USA, 2012.
D.-V. Nguyen, Tao Jiang, Lars Kuhnert, K.-D. Kuhnert.
Fitting Plane Algorithm-based Depth Correction for Tyzx
DeepSea Stereoscopic Imaging. The Fourth International Conference on
Communications and Electronics (ICCE), Vietnam,
Lars Kuhnert, Stefan Thamke, Markus Ax, D.-V. Nguyen,
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Cooperation in heterogeneous groups
of autonomous robots. IEEE
International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation
(ICMA), Chengdu, China, 3-5 August 2012.
Lars Kuhnert, Klaus Müller, Markus Ax, Klaus-Dieter
Kuhnert. Object localization on agricultural areas using an
autonomous team of cooperating ground and air robots.
International Conference
of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-Ageng2012,
Valencia, Spain, July 8-12, 2012.
Invited Talks
K.-D. Kuhnert.Mobile robots for disaster. In
disaster, Bielefeld 13-15 Jan. 2011, Bielefeld.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
M. Stommel, M. Langer, O. Herzog, and K.-D. Kuhnert. A
Fast, Robust and Low Bit-Rate Representation for SIFT and
SURF Features, IEEE
International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue
Robotics (SSRR), Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 1-5, 2011, pp.
Jens Schlemper, Lars Kuhnert, Markus Ax, Stefan Thamke,
and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Gesten-basierte
Mensch-Maschinen-Interaktion in der Außenbereichs-Robotik.
6. Congress
Multimediatechnik 2011, Wismar, Deutschland (20.
Oktober 2011).
L. Kuhnert, D.-V. Nguyen, S. Thamke, and K.-D. Kuhnert.
Autonomous explorative outdoor path planning. In the
2nd IASTED International
Conference on Robotics (Robo 2011), Pittsbugh, USA,
November 2011.
D.-V. Nguyen, Lars Kuhnert, and K.-D. Kuhnert. An
Integrated Vision System for Vegetation Detection in
Autonomous Ground Vehicles. In the IASTED International Conference on
Robotics (Robo 2011),Pittsbugh, USA, Nov-2011.
Jens Schlemper, Lars Kuhnert, Markus Ax, and
Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Development of a high speed 3D laser
measurement system for outdoor robotics. In the
Eurobot conference,
Prague 2011.
D.-V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert, T. Jiang and K.-D. Kuhnert, A
Novel Approach of Terrain Classification for Outdoor
Automobile Navigation. In the IEEE International Conference on
Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE),
Shanghai, China, June-2011.
Tao Jiang, K. D. Kuhnert, D. Nguyen and L. Kuhnert.
Multiple template auto exposure control based on luminance
histogram for on-board camera. IEEE CSAE 2011 International
Conference on Computer Science and Automation
Engineering, in shanghai, China, June, 2011.
Matthias Mielke, Markus Ax, André Schäfer, Rainer
Brück, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. Energy-efficient Gaussian
pyramid generation for Mobile Robotics using an ASIC. In
the IEEE ICIP2011
International Conference on Image Processing,
Brussels, Belgium, 2011.
D.-V. Nguyen, L.Kuhnert, T.Jiang,S.Thamke and K.-D.
Kuhnert. Vegetation Detection for Outdoor Automobile
Guidance. In the IEEE
ICIT-2011 International Conference on Industrial
Technology, Auburn, Alabama, USA, March-2011.
P. Sapaty, K. Kanev, N. Mirenkov, M.Sugisaka, K.-D.
Kuhnert. Continuing Engagement and Support of Ageing
Population with Advanced Networking and Robotic
Technologies. International sympisium on Artificial
life and robotics, AROB 16th, Beppu, Japan,
Jan.27-Jan.29, 2011.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
L. Kuhnert, K.-D. Kuhnert. Sensor-fusion based
real-time 3D outdoor scene reconstruction and analysis on a
moving mobile outdoor robot. In German Journal on Artificial
Intelligence (KI), Special Issue "Off-Road-Robotik",
Karsten Berns, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Christopher
Armbrust. Off -road Robotics|- An Overview. German Journal on Artificial
Intelligence (KI), Special Issue "Off-Road-Robotik",
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
S. Thamke, "Robust Outdoor Tracking by Fusion of Laser
Scanner and Image Processing Data," in Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Vehicular System (CIVS 2010),
Cheju, Korea (South), 2010.
D. V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert, J. Schlemper, and K.-D.
Kuhnert. Terrain classification based on structure for
autonomous navigation in complex environments. In
Int. Conf. on
Communication and Electronics (ICCE), Vietnam,
August 2010.
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Visual Alphabets on
Different Levels of Abstraction for Recognition of
Deformable Objects. In Structural and Syntactic Pattern
Recognition (S+SSPR 2010), Cesme, Izmir, Turkey,
August 18-20.
M. Ax, L. Kuhnert, M. Langer, J. Schlemper, and K.-D.
Kuhnert. Architecture of an autonomous mini unmanned aerial
vehicle based on a commercial platform. In Joint 41th Symposium on Robotics and
6th German Conference on Robotics, Munich, Germany,
June 7-9, 2010.
D. V. Nguyen, L. Kuhnert, M. Ax, and K.-D. Kuhnert.
Combining distance and modulation information for detecting
pedestrians in outdoor environment using a pmd camera. In
The 11th IASTED Int. Conf.
on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2010),
Innsbruck, Austria, February 17-19, 2010.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
M. Langer, L. Kuhnert, M. Ax, D.-V. Nguyen, and K.-D.
Kuhnert. 3D object recognition and localization employing
an analysis by synthesis system. In IADIS Int. Conf. on Applied
Computing, pages 132-140, Rome, Italy, November
19-21, 2009.
L. Kuhnert, M. Ax, M. Langer, D.-V. Nguyen, and K.-D.
Kuhnert. Absolute high-precision localisation of an
unmanned ground vehicle by using real-time aerial video
imagery for geo-referenced orthophoto registration. In
Fachgespräche Autonome
Mobile Systeme (AMS), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2009,
accepted for publication.
P. Sapaty, K.-D. Kuhnert, M. Sugisaka, R. Finkelstein,
Developing High-Level Management Facilities for Distributed
Unmanned Systems, Proc.
Fourteenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and
Robotics (AROB 14th’09), B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita,
Japan, February 5-7, 2009.
P. Sapaty, M. Sugisaka, K-D. Kuhnert, Spatial Scenarios
for Distributed Unmanned systems, Proc. AUVSI's Unmanned Systems North
America 2009 Symposium & Exhibition, Washington,
DC, USA, August 10-13, 2009.
M. Langer and K.-D. Kuhnert. New Hierarchical
Approaches in Real-Time Robust Image Feature Detection and
Matching. Computer Vision, chapter 13, pages 538-554,
I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, November
2008, ISBN 978-953-7619-21-3.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
S. Todt, M. Langer, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb, and K.-D.
Kuhnert. Spherical light field rendering in application for
analysis by synthesis. In Int. J. on Intell. Systems
and Techn. and Appl. (IJISTA), Issue on Dynamic 3D
Imaging, volume 5:1, pages 304-314, 2008.
S. Todt, C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb, and K.-D. Kuhnert.
GPU-based spherical light field rendering with per-fragment
depth correction. In Computer Graphics Forum,
volume 27:8, pages 2081-2095, 2008.
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. A hierarchical model for
the recognition of deformable objects. In International
Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (ICCVG),
pages 410-419, Warsaw, Poland, November 10-12, 2008.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Software architecture of the Autonomous
Mobile Outdoor Robot AMOR. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
2008, pp889-894, Eindhoven, 4-6 June, 2008.
K.-D. Kuhnert. Concept and implementation of a software
system on the autonomous mobile outdoor robot amor. In
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
(ICIT 2008), pages TP2–C4, April 21-24 2008.
M. Langer and K.-D. Kuhnert. A new hierarchical
approach in robust real-time image feature detection and
matching. In The 19th Int’l Conf. on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR), pages 1-4, Tampa, Florida, USA,
December 8-11 2008.
A. Staudt, M. Langer, and K.-D. Kuhnert. Comparison of
two real-time image processing system approaches. In
Proceedings of the Tenth IASTED International
Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging,
Innsbruck, Austria, 2008.
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Part aggregation in a
compositional model based on the evaluation of feature
cooccurrence statistics. In Int’l Conf. on Image and
Vision Computing New Zealand, pages 1-6, November
26-28, 2008.
K.-D. Kuhnert, M. Langer, M. Stommel, and A. Kolb.
Dynamic 3D-Vision, volume 4 of Vision Systems,
Applications, chapter 18, pages 311–334. I-Tech
Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, June 2007. ISBN
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert and W. Seemann. Planning of minimal-time
trajectories for high speed autonomous vehicles. In The
2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV’07), pages
492-497, Istanbul, Turkey, June 13-15, 2007.
K.-D. Kuhnert and W. Seemann. Design and realisation of
the highly modular and robust autonomous mobile outdoor
robot AMOR. In The 13th IASTED International Conference
on Robotics and Applications, Würzburg, Germany,
August 29-31, 2007.
K.-D. Kuhnert and W. Seemann. Localisation for an
outdoor robot by optically measuring the ground movement.
In The 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics
and Applications, Würzburg, Germany, August 29-31,
Artikel in Zeitschriften
T. W. Yang, K.-D. Kuhnert, W. Seemann, O. Lopez, and A.
Staudt. Suboptimal motion planning of an autonomous land
vehicle. In In Proceedings of 2007 Chinese Conference
on Intelligent Automation, and also in Journal of Central
South University, 2006.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. A learning algorithm for
the appearance-based recognition of complex objects. In
The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP 2006),
In Proc. The 2006 International Conference on Machine
Learning; Models, Technologies & Application
(MLMTA’06), pages 203-207, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June
26-29, 2006.
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Fusion of stereo-camera
and PMD-camera data for real-time suited precise 3D
environment reconstruction. In IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 4780–4785, October 9-15, 2006. Also presented at the
Robotic 3D Environment Cognition Workshop at the Spatial
Cognition, Bremen, Germany, September 24-28, 2006.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
W. Dong and K.-D. Kuhnert. Robust adaptive control of
nonholonomic mobile robot with parameter and non-parameter
uncertainties. In IEEE
Transactions on Robotics, volume 21:2, pages
261-266, April 2005.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
W. Dong and Y. Guo. New trajectory generation methods
for nonholonomic mobile robots. In Proceedings of the
2005 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies
and Systems, pages 353–358, 2005.
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Appearance based
recognition of complex objects by genetic
prototype-learning. In Proc. 13th Int’l Conf. in
Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and
Computer Vision (WSCG), pages 149-152, Plzen, Czech
Republic, January 31 - February 4, 2005.
K.-D. Kuhner and M. Krödel. Autonomous vehicle steering
based on evaluative feedback by reinforcement learning, In
MLDM, pages 405-414, 2005.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
M. Stommel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Subpixel accurate
segmentation of small images using level curves. In
Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Graphics 2004
(IC- CVG’04), and Computational Imaging and Vision
2006, pages 540-545, Warsaw, Poland, September 22-24,
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
T.W. Yang, W.J. O’Connor, K.-D. Kuhnert, and W.L. Xu.
Motion enhancement of a large macro-micro manipulator
system through error compensation approach. In
International Conference on Production, Engineering,
Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt, December
H. Fritz, F. Stein, A. Spieker, and A. Schanz.
Längs- und Querführung, chapter 4.3, pages
101–107. Wie Perlen an einer Kette, Software in Fahrzeugen.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merker, DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and
Technologie, Januar 2003.
H. Fritz, F. Stein, A. Spieker, and A. Schanz.
Longitudinal and lateral control, chapter 4.3,
pages 101–107. Like the pearls of an necklace, software in
vehicles. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merker, DaimlerChrysler AG,
Research and Technologie, Januar 2003.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
K.-D. Kuhnert and M. Krödel. A learning autonomous
driver system on the basis of image classification and
evolutional learning. In Conference Machine Learning
and Data Mining 2003 (MLDM), Lecture Notes on Computer
Science, pages 400-412, Leipzig, Germany, July 5-7, 2003.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
A. Schanz, A. Spieker, and K.-D. Kuhnert. Autonomous
parking in subterranean garages - a look at the position
estimation. In Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles
Symposium, pages 253-258, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June
A. Schanz, A. Spieker, and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards
automatic parking. In Proc. International Conference on
Robotics, Vision and Parallel Processing, Penang,
Malysia, January 22-24, 2003.
K.-D. Kuhnert and M. Krödel. Behaviour learning by
visual gestalt completion. In Vehicle Cognitive
Computer Vision Systems (IVCCVS), Graz, Austria, April
3, 2003.
K.-D. Kuhnert and W. Dong. Über die lernende regelung
autonomer fahrzeuge mit neuronalen netzen. In 18.
Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme (AMS 2003), pages
107-115, Karlsruhe, Germany, December 4-5, 2003.
M. Krödel. Autopilot – wie der computer autofahren
lernt. c’t, 20:192–195, September 2003.
K.-D. Kuhnert and W. Dong. Lernen – denken – lenken,
können computer autofahren lernen? Uni Siegen
aktuell, March 2003.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
M. Krödel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Reinforcement learning to
drive a car by pattern matching. In Annual symposium of
pattern recognition DAGM, pages 322-329, Zuerich,
Switzerland, September 16-18, 2002.
K.-D. Kuhnert and D. Pechtel. Towards creating abstract
features of complex objects – the fusion of contour points
in significant contour sections. In Pattern Recognition
Letters PATREC 1857, volume 23:6, pages 713-718,
M. Krödel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Reinforcement learning to
drive a car by pattern matching. In The 28th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON 2002), Lecture Notes on Computer Science,
volume 2449, pages 322-329, Sevilla, Spain, November 5-8,
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
M. Krödel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Pattern matching as the
nucleus for either autonomous driving or driver assistance
systems. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium
(IV’2002), volume 1, pages 135-140, Versailles,
France, June 17-21, 2002.
K.-D. Kuhnert and M. Krödel. Autonomous driving by
pattern matching and reinforcement learning. In Int.
Colloquium on Autonomous and Mobile Systems,
Magdeburg, Germany, June 25-26, 2002.
K.-D. Kuhnert, M. Krödel, and W. Dong. Lernen als
paradigma für die fahrerassistenzsysteme der nächsten
generation. In Workshop Fahrerassistenzsysteme,
pages 107-118, Walting, Germany, Oktober 9-11, 2002.
A. Schanz, A. Spieker, and K.-D. Kuhnert. Automatisches
einparken. In Int. Colloquium on Autonomous and Mobile
Systems, Magdeburg, Germany, June 25-26, 2002.
A. Schanz, A. Spieker, U. Regensburger, and K.-D.
Kuhnert. Automated parking. In Proc. International
Colloquium on Autonomous and Mobile Systems, pages
41–44, June 2002.
B. Smolka, M. Stommel, M. Studer, and K. Wojciechowski.
New class of noise reduction filters based on kernel
density estimation. In Int. Conf. on Computer Vision
and Graphics (ICCVG), pages 671–677, Zakopane, Poland,
September 25-29, 2002.
B. Smolka, M. Studer, M. Stommel, and K. Wojciechowski.
Vector median based color gamma filter. In
International Conference on Computer Vision and
Graphics (ICCVG), pages 678–684, Zakopane, Poland,
September 25-29, 2002.
A. Schanz and A. Spieker. Automatisches parken als
fahrerassistenzfunktion. Technical report, DaimlerChrysler
AG, 2002.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
M. Krödel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Autonomous driving through
intelligent image processing and machine learning. In
Int. Conference on Computational Intelligence (7. Fuzzy
Days) Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 2206,
pages 712-718, Dortmund, Germany, October 1-3, 2001.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
D. Pechtel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Ein lern- und
klassifikationssystem zur erkennung komplexer und/oder
deformierter 2d-objektkonturen mit merkmalsfusion. In
Proc. 20. DAGM-Symposium (DAGM2000), pages
229-236, Kiel, Germany, September 13-15 2000.
C. Knöppel, A. Schanz, U. Regensburger, and B.
Michaelis. Robuste erkennung von straßenfahrzeugen im
rückraumbereich eines straßenfahrzeugs. In Proc. 22.
DAGM-Symposium 2000, pages 35-40, Kiel, Germany,
D. Pechtel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards feature fusion -
the synthesis of contour sections distinguishing contours
from different classes. In Proc. of 9th Discrete
Geometry for Computer Imagery Conference (DGCI2000),
Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 1953, pages
518-529, Uppsala, Sweden, December 13-15, 2000.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
G.H. Bakir and K.-D. Kuhnert. Multi-mobile-robot
simulation for everyone. In 5th International Symposium
on Distributed Autonomous Robotic systems (DARS 2000),
Oak Ridge, USA, October 4-6, 2000.
C. Knöppel, A. Schanz, and B. Michaelis. Robust
vehicles detection at large distance using low resolution
cameras. In Proc. IEEE Inteligent Vehicles
Symposium, pages 387–391, Dearborn, MI, USA, October
M. Krödel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards a learning
autonomous driver system. In IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and
Instrumentation, (IECON-2000), Nagoya, Japan, October
22-28, 2000.
D. Pechtel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards feature fusion -
a classifier on the basis of automatically generated
significant contour sections. In Proc. of 24rd Annual
Conference Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V.
(GfKl2000), pages 151-158, Passau, Germany, March
15-17 2000.
D. Pechtel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards automatically
learning an implicit model from 2d-images based on a local
similarity analysis of contours. In Proc. of IEEE/RSJ
Int’l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS
2000), Takamatsu, Japan, October 2000.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
D. Pechtel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Automatic generation of
significant and local feature groups of complex and
deformed objects. In Proc. of the 10th Int’l Conf. on
ImageAnalysis and Processing (ICIAP99), pages 340–345,
Venice, Italy, 1999.
D. Pechtel and K.-D. Kuhnert. Generating automatically
local feature groups of complex and deformed objects. In W.
Gaul and R. Decker, editors, Proc. of 23rd Annual
Conference Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., pages
237–244, Bielefeld, Germany, 1999.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Recognition of complex objects for
sorting post consumer goods by using image processing and
neural networks. In Proc. of the Fifth International
Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in
Practice, pages 265–270, Nanjing, China, September
10-12, 1998.
K.-D. Kuhnert. Vision systems for mobile
vehicles, chapter 12. Automotive Mobile Vehicles.
Chapman and Hall, 1993.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. A 3d sensor for laser welding. In
26th Int. Symposium. on Automotive Technology and
Automation, pages 203–211, Aachen, Germany, September
K.-D. Kuhnert. Elastic nets and vision based autonomous
navigation. In IEEE international conference on
industrial electronics ISIE’93, pages 249-256,
Budapest, June 1993. Invited Paper.
V. Graefe and K.-D. Kuhnert. Vision-based
autonomous road vehicles, pages 1–29. I. Masaki Vision
based Vehicle Guidance. Springer Verlag, 1992.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Qualitative motion stereo for high speed
car driving. In International Conf. on Intelligent
Systems and Robots, Raleigh, USA, 1992.
K.-D. Kuhnert and H. Takahashi. Evaluation of optical
distance measurement for car control applications. In
Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle
Control, Yokohama, Japan, 1992.
K.-D. Kuhnert and H. Takahashi. High precision optical
vibration measurement on a running car. In Proc. of the
First International Conf. On Motion and Vibration
Control, Yokohama, Japan, 1992.
K.-D. Kuhnert and K.P. Wershofen. Echtzeit-rechnersehen
auf der experimental- plattform athene. In D. Rembold,
editor, 6. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme,
Karlsruhe, pages 59–68, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1990.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Dynamic vision guides the autonomous
vehicle athene. In Symposion on Flexible
Automation, pages 507–510, Kyoto, Japan-USA, July
K.-D. Kuhnert. Fusing dynamic vision and landmark
navigation for autonomous driving. In Proc IEEE/RSJ
int. Conference on intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS
90, pages 113–119, Tsuchiura, 1990.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Sensor modeling as basis of subpixel
image processing, volume 1135 of Image Processing III.
Proc. Od the SPIE., pp. 104, J. Duveray, 1989.
K.-D. Kuhnert. Real-time suited road border recognition
utilizing a neural network technique. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ
int. Workshop on intelligent Rotots and Systems, IROS
89, pages 358–363, Tsukaba, Japan, 1989.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert and V. Graefe. A high speed image
processing system utilized in autonomous vehicle guidance.
In Proc. IAPR Workshop on Computer Vision, pages
10–13, Tokyo, Japan, October 12-14 1988.
V. Graefe and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards a vision based
robot with a driver’s licence. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ int.
Workshop on intelligent Robots amd Systems, IROS’88,
pages 627–632, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
K.-D. Kuhnert and V. Graefe. Vision systems for
autonomous mobility. In Proc IEEE/RSJ int. Workshop on
intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS’88, Tokyo, Japan,
K.-D. Kuhnert. Zur Echtzeit-Bildfolgenanalyse mit
Vorwissen. PhD thesis, Fakultät für Luft- und
Raumfahrtechnik der Universität der Bundeswehr München,
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
V. Graefe and K.-D. Kuhnert. Low-level vision for
advanced mobile robots. In T. Martin, editor,
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Manipulators,
Sensors and Steps towards Mobility, International
Advanced Robotics Program, pages 239–246,
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, KFK 4316, Germany,
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Comparison of intelligent real-time
algorithms for guiding an autonomous vehicle. In L.O.
Hertzberger, editor, Proceedings: Intelligent
Autonomous Systems, pages 334–339, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 1986.
K.-D. Kuhnert. A model-driven image analysis system for
vehicle guidance in realtime. In Proceedings of the
Second International Electronic Image Week CESTA,
pages 216–221, Nice, 1986.
K.-D. Kuhnert. A vision system for real-time road and
object recognition for vehicle guidance. In W.J. Wolfe and
N. Marquina, editors, Mobile Robots, Proceedings of the
SPIE, volume 727, pages 267–272, 1986.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
K.-D. Kuhnert and A. Zapp. Wissensgesteuerte
Bildfolgenauswertung zur Automatischen Führung von
Straßenfahrzeugen in Echtzeit, pages 102–106.
Mustererkennung 1985, Informatik Fachberichte 107. Springer
Verlag, 1985.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards the objective evaluation of
low-level vision operators. In T.O. Shea, editor, Proc.
Sixth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ECAI 84, page 657, Pisa, Italy, 1984.
W. Schätzl and K.-D. Kuhnert. Towards the evaluation of
learning and intelligence. In T.O. Shea, editor, Proc.
Sixth European Conference on Artifcial Intelligence,
ECAI 84, page 511, Pisa, Italy, 1984.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
K.-D. Kuhnert. Belastungs-ganzkörperpletysmographie. In
1. Lüdenscheider Arbeitsgespräch zur
Belastungsdyspnoe. Werbegesellschaft und Verlag, Gedon
und Reuss, 1982.